What Is a T-Break and How Long Should It Be?

When it comes to things we consume regularly that give us pleasure, we often reach a point where we start to receive less enjoyment from it than when we first tried it. 

For example, when someone first tries coffee, most enjoy a burst of energy and maybe a bit of mental clarity. But as time goes on and that person becomes accustomed to their daily cup of coffee, the effects of the caffeine will likely diminish.

In order to feel that same burst of energy they felt with their first cup of coffee, they will either have to drink more coffee or switch to a stronger blend. This comes as a result of developing a tolerance.

You can develop a tolerance to caffeine in your tea or coffee, and you can also develop a tolerance to the THC in your cannabis. If this happens, you may no longer be able to enjoy the full effects of your cannabis. 

The good news is that by taking a tolerance break (aka T-Break), you could get back to enjoying the full benefits and effects of your weed.

What Is Cannabis Tolerance?

Simply put, cannabis tolerance is when your body builds up a resistance to THC. When this happens, you’ll need to smoke more often or will need stronger doses to try to replicate the effects you felt when you first tried weed.

Studies have found that regular cannabis use can impact gray matter regions of our brains that are rich in CB1 receptors.

These receptors are part of our Endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS helps to regulate important functions like sleep, mood, appetite, memory, reproduction, and fertility. Within our ECS, we have a network of cellular receptors that include:

  • CB1 receptors – found in our brains and in the nerves of our spinal cords – help to regulate things like hunger and alertness
  • CB2 receptors – found in our peripheral nervous system, digestive system, and within cells of our immune system

When our bodies are regularly exposed to cannabis, our CB1 receptors can become less sensitive to THC. When this happens, higher or more frequent doses can be required to achieve effects similar to when you first tried cannabis. 

The good news is that the results of a study published in 2017 found that by taking a T-Break, you could help to reset your CB1 receptors and get back to enjoying the full benefits and effects of your weed.1

Click here to learn more about the role your endocannabinoid system could play in unlocking your body’s natural healing power. 

Is It Bad to Build Up A Tolerance?

No, a little bit of tolerance to THC can actually be a good thing.

For example, consider those who seek the medicinal benefits of the various cannabinoids in cannabis. Without a little bit of tolerance, these patients could end up sidelined from any productive endeavor due to the psychoactive effects that come along with THC.

But, once a patient develops a little bit of a tolerance, they can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of cannabis – while experiencing less of the psychoactive effects. 

What Are The Benefits of A Tolerance Break?

Although some might find it difficult to stop partaking for an extended period of time, the effort can be well worth it.

After completing a successful T-break, the first obvious benefit is that it helps your body avoid developing a high tolerance for THC. And, if you do have a high tolerance, it can help you reset the CB1 receptors in your endocannabinoid system.

By doing so, it will take less weed for you to feel its effects – and you could save money over the long term.

The bottom line is that taking a T-break from time to time can be a good idea for anyone who enjoys the benefits and effects of cannabis – and wants to maximize those benefits over the long term. But, like most things cannabis related, the right answer will be different for all. While most might benefit from a break, some may not need it. 

For example, if you are a medical cannabis patient who is treating a serious health condition, a T-break may not make sense. Like we mentioned earlier, a bit of a tolerance to THC can be a good thing for those medicating with cannabis.

Take a T-Break to Lower Your High Cannabis Tolerance

One of the first questions people ask when it comes to taking a T-break is: “how long should my tolerance break be?”

Well, like many things cannabis related, the right answer will be different for all. 

For someone who enjoys cannabis regularly, it can take three weeks for THC to leave their system. So, that’s how long many people recommend your T-break should last if you’re a frequent user – at least 21 days. Others recommend a 4-week break.

Do I Really Need to Quit Cannabis for That Long? 

Now, some of you might be wondering do I really need to quit cannabis for that long? 

Well, there are some who believe that mild to moderate users of cannabis can experience some benefits of a T-break after a 48-hour break.  

Research published in 2015 showed that after just a 48-hour break, our cannabinoid receptors start to reset. And after 4 weeks of abstinence, they can regain their full original function.2

So, if you’re someone who enjoys cannabis occasionally and you can’t see yourself taking a 21 day break, perhaps you can start with a two-day break and take it from there. If after 48-hours, you feel like you can go further, why not go for the full 21- or 28-day break?

Can You Quit Weed Cold Turkey Without Withdrawal Symptoms?

Another question that often comes up when it comes to T-breaks is: “will I experience any withdrawal symptoms?”

The answer to this question will vary and will depend on a number of factors including how often you enjoy cannabis. For heavy users, it can be common to experience withdrawal symptoms in the first two weeks of your T-break. Symptoms could include a reduced appetite, restlessness, irritability, and trouble sleeping.

If you do experience some of these symptoms – things you can do to help offset them include eating healthy, exercising, staying hydrated, and avoiding drugs and alcohol. 

How to Lower THC Tolerance

Like we mentioned earlier, one of the biggest benefits of taking a T-break is that it can help lower your body’s tolerance to THC.

Although doing so can be a good idea, it may be difficult for some to go without their cannabis for 21 days. Many people avoid taking a T-break for this reason.

It’s similar to taking the time to create a last will and testament. Everyone knows it’s something they should do, but many put it off because thinking about our passing can be unpleasant.

The same can be said about taking a T-break. Most of us know it’s something that might be good for us, but we avoid it because it could result in some unpleasant consequences like irritability and restlessness.

So, if you’re on the fence about taking a T-break, here are a few reasons why you may want to consider doing so:

  • You’ve developed a tolerance and no longer experience the full effects of your weed
  • Cannabis has become a priority over your responsibilities
  • You’ve become reliant on weed to inspire creativity

For some, taking a T-break will be easy. For others, it can be a challenge. So, if you have decided to take a break, here are a few tips to help you out. 

Recognize The Difficulty of The Task at Hand

Taking a break from something that helps you feel good can be difficult. Especially if it’s something that’s become part of your everyday routine. For example, if a daily walk or workout has become part of your routine and you suddenly stop for a few weeks – you may feel like something is missing. 

This is certainly true for cannabis. If a daily bowl of weed after work is your way of unwinding, it might be difficult to stop doing so cold turkey.

For the first two weeks of your T-break, you may be tempted to give in and enjoy a quick toke. But, if you can hold out, those cravings should subside by the third week, and you’ll come out of your T-break with a reset endocannabinoid system and a lower tolerance. 

Let Your Friends Know You’re Taking a Break

If you tend to enjoy your cannabis around others who like to do the same, it’s important that you let them know you are taking a break. Let them know you are committed to avoiding weed for however long you’ve decided. Ask them to help you by not offering you any weed during this period. 

Who knows … by letting them know about your T-break – and your reasons for doing so – you may persuade them to join you on your break. 

Get a New Hobby

For the next 21 days, you’re going to have some idle time on your hands. Think about what you usually do after you partake. Will you still be doing these activities during your T-break? If not, you’ll need to find something to do with your time. 

We recommend doing something that can lead to some sort of improvement in your life. That way after your 3-week break, you can walk away with a new skill or healthy habit that enhances your life going forward.

Is there a book you’ve been wanting to read? Have you been wanting to start a workout program? Now might be a good time to do so. 

Pick a Date and Stay Focused 

Now that you’ve decided to take a T-break, the next step is to decide when to start it. Don’t pick a far-off date. Pick a day in the near future, so you can start soon and avoid the dread of anticipating a far-off date. 

Know that there might be days where you feel like giving up on your break. Make the commitment to yourself now that you won’t cave in. Remember, if you can make it through three to four weeks, an enhanced cannabis experience awaits you on the other side.

How Often Should I Take A Tolerance Break?

There is little hard science about how often a person should take a T-break. Like many things related to cannabis, the right answer will be different for all.

For example, the standard recommendation for daily users of cannabis is that they should take a 21-day T-break. This seems to make sense considering that’s about how long it takes our bodies to eliminate THC from our systems.

But, like we mentioned earlier, our cannabinoid receptors start to reset after taking just a 48-hour break – and fully reset after four weeks. So, if you’re a casual user of cannabis, a two-day break could be enough.

On the other hand, if you partake regularly and haven’t taken a break in some time, then a three or four week break might be best.

So, just like the length of your T-break can vary according to your circumstances, the same applies for how often you should take a break.

If you enjoy cannabis every so often, taking a 48-hour break every 30 days might be right for you. For more heavy users, taking a  3 – 4 week break every few months might be best. Again, the right answer will be different for all. 

Bloom Will Be Here When You Get Back!

Bloom Medicinals wants you to know that we are here for you over the long term. Once you complete your T-break – however long it might be – we’ll be here to help you.

Whether you decide to make your first cannabis experience back a full spectrum vape cart, a tasty pre-roll, or some premium flower – we’ll be here to deliver unrivaled quality and care. 

Perhaps the best way to return from your T-break would be to schedule a free, one-on-one consultation at a Bloom Medicinals dispensary near you! During this consultation, our patient care specialists can help to determine the strains and methods of consumption that are right for you.

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4742341/
  2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324301#:~:text=Research%20states%20that%20brain%20receptors,weeks%20of%20stopping%20the%20drug.